Wednesday, 29 February 2012

About Me

<a href=" out my profile!</a>

This is my new page. Have a look!


Today I will be looking into designing with help of my tutor a design and then creating a basic website. Which i will then be able to put onto buisness cards and any future promotional designing I do. Im quite excited because there are lots of possibilities that can become of this.

Favorite Quote Of the Day.

" There is absoloutly no price anyone can put on originality "

Saturday, 25 February 2012


These are some old photo's I dug up. These are with my Colleague who is talented and free running/street dancing/park our. These shots where in various locations. Photographing movement such and back flips is very difficult, since the moves require speed and a lot of bodily movement. So motion blur is very common, but these again where very early on in the photography years.

Friday, 24 February 2012

These photo's where taken during a holiday. I really enjoy capturing landscapes and POV shots that are interesting, as if the viewer was stood looking at them, because it gives it another dimension, and requires the viewer to look round to take in what's happening.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Winter Wonderland.

This was of the local area. I really enjoyed taking these photographs as this was during the big freeze and it was -5c when i took the photographs. The images are very cold to look at as it plays with the hot/cold receptors in the brain, and makes you feel cold, which makes these images interesting to look at.