Friday, 30 March 2012

Team GB

Came up with some poster ideas for the olympics 2012 and the fact of colour change on the kits. these are still projects in work.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Liverpool City Scape

This was for a competiton that i found for liverpool. It was based on a different side. Being local to liverpool, I can spot changes such as the change from the day to night. The day is very boring but quite regimented as the way it goes about the way it operates with people in suits, this being portrayed by the black and white line drawing and then at night it comes alive and a different side to the city comes out. This is what I am trying to show.

City Scape

This is the final idea for the picture, i may work on it further but I have many more projects that I have to work on.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


These are some pictures I took to do with a self initiated poster I was doing and would use these as background referance to the forefront

Thursday, 22 March 2012


This is an image that i have been working on and still in development. From my photograph I have Illustrated the City scape and digitally manipulated it with other images to give it the effect of water, and then reflexions on the water.

Im undecided on what to to further on wether to do something with the background or give it a border as such.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Recently I have had a change of plans to the action plan that I originally made.
I have been looking into dark and nightmarish style of work. Such as nightmares, and night terrors. Which I find play on everyone's mind. From children to adults. There is a 1-6% chance that children experience night terrors, this is were the child wakes up in a sweat, eyes wide open, screaming. Other forms of this are of people entering the room and the person being paralysed with fear rendering them helpless.
This I want to play on and entertain some imagery hopefully playing on this idea, also having looked into some fairly scary titles, such as resident evil, final destination, the exorcist, and the 4th Kind.
So I am going to create a set of horror images with the theme of night terrors,  and also some book covers for resident evil.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

My First draught For a poster for a local Band I know.

This is the first stage of a poster I have been working on recently for a band called "Fire" these are a cover tribute band for Indie/Rock bands. I have used the coulor scheme to create almost an atmosphere and mood about the picture with the blue and purple being quite striking coulors.

I have yet to work on designing the Header for the picture as Im not happy with the font or style in which ive layed it out in compositionally.