Thursday 12 July 2012

Chernobyl Diaries

Due to the release of the film "chernobyl Diaries" in cinema's, I was intrigued and decided to watch the film myself. My review of it, was average, basic story line and a slight twist in the end. Never the less, if more time and funding ...had gone into it with a more complex storyline, it could of been rated a lot higher. The atmosphere was what caught me in the film. Thus making an apt time to create a cover, something after seeing the film, to represent a dark, moody but some what eery film. Stay posted to see the art work as it is produced.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Resident Evil - Book covers

These are the final set of 6 Images for the Resident evil Book set I have been working on.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Resident Evil 3 Book Covers

These are two designs for book art that I have been working on. These will be a set of 6 in the final outcome. These are based on the set of 6 books that SD Perry has written on the most horifying series Resident Evil.

Friday 27 April 2012

Resident evil Nemesis Book Cover

This is one of a set of 6 Images for the Novel "Resident evil" Series. This is Nemisis. A Tyrant set on a mission to exterminate Jill vallentine featured in the front cover with the nemisis shadowed in the background.