Thursday 12 July 2012

Chernobyl Diaries

Due to the release of the film "chernobyl Diaries" in cinema's, I was intrigued and decided to watch the film myself. My review of it, was average, basic story line and a slight twist in the end. Never the less, if more time and funding ...had gone into it with a more complex storyline, it could of been rated a lot higher. The atmosphere was what caught me in the film. Thus making an apt time to create a cover, something after seeing the film, to represent a dark, moody but some what eery film. Stay posted to see the art work as it is produced.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Resident Evil - Book covers

These are the final set of 6 Images for the Resident evil Book set I have been working on.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Resident Evil 3 Book Covers

These are two designs for book art that I have been working on. These will be a set of 6 in the final outcome. These are based on the set of 6 books that SD Perry has written on the most horifying series Resident Evil.

Friday 27 April 2012

Resident evil Nemesis Book Cover

This is one of a set of 6 Images for the Novel "Resident evil" Series. This is Nemisis. A Tyrant set on a mission to exterminate Jill vallentine featured in the front cover with the nemisis shadowed in the background.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


These are a set of images i have created and finalised with help of a Freelance Illustrator Graham coming in and setting a week long brief. For the liverpool Sound city. This has pushed me to work within an hour on each of the images, and complete them I did within an hour. With Constructive critisism I have modified and changed the imagery for the better and have learnt on what can improve me work with this.

Friday 20 April 2012

Liverpool _ Titanic Photo Journalism

The Giants was a project after a letter was found from a 9 year old girl who sent it to her father whom was on the Titanic before it Sank. This 3 day set of giants is in spirit of this.

Thursday 19 April 2012

poster design.

Metal Gear Solid Peace walker Cut scenes

Recently I have been playing metal gear solid peace walker. With a stella cast and unparralled story telling, through out the games, but on transfer from console to hand held, MGS peace walker has had an over haul with its graphics from cut scenes. Introducing Ashley wood, He has individual way of working, and this shows in stunning cut scenes throughout the game, in almost a comic style with such sophistication.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Final team GB posters

These are a final set of imagery that I've worked on for TEAM GB. I most like the block colouring and the colouring used as several layers used and overlaid with effects run through them. As there was with the Design for the London 2012 Team GB kit, the designer made a few modifications to the design of the kit with coulors, greatly muting the red, and substituting it for a blue instead. which I have reversed. I have put in more red, a little less blue, and a hint of gold throughout the images, which is a nice touch I find.

Friday 30 March 2012

Team GB

Came up with some poster ideas for the olympics 2012 and the fact of colour change on the kits. these are still projects in work.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Liverpool City Scape

This was for a competiton that i found for liverpool. It was based on a different side. Being local to liverpool, I can spot changes such as the change from the day to night. The day is very boring but quite regimented as the way it goes about the way it operates with people in suits, this being portrayed by the black and white line drawing and then at night it comes alive and a different side to the city comes out. This is what I am trying to show.

City Scape

This is the final idea for the picture, i may work on it further but I have many more projects that I have to work on.

Wednesday 28 March 2012


These are some pictures I took to do with a self initiated poster I was doing and would use these as background referance to the forefront