Wednesday 21 March 2012


Recently I have had a change of plans to the action plan that I originally made.
I have been looking into dark and nightmarish style of work. Such as nightmares, and night terrors. Which I find play on everyone's mind. From children to adults. There is a 1-6% chance that children experience night terrors, this is were the child wakes up in a sweat, eyes wide open, screaming. Other forms of this are of people entering the room and the person being paralysed with fear rendering them helpless.
This I want to play on and entertain some imagery hopefully playing on this idea, also having looked into some fairly scary titles, such as resident evil, final destination, the exorcist, and the 4th Kind.
So I am going to create a set of horror images with the theme of night terrors,  and also some book covers for resident evil.

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